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Stable floor disinfection
In livestock farming, disinfection is used in many cases. Stall disinfection is necessary to protect a group of animals against infections from their environment. Stable floors contain billions of germs that can lead to animal diseases. Many of those germs are now resistant to pesticides.
With our thermal solutions, stable floors and parts of the walls of, for example, poultry houses are heated, killing all microorganisms and reducing the level of contamination in the house.
Heating the stable floor
To keep the health of the livestock under control, regular disinfection is of great importance. Our mounted burners are used to heat the stable floor for a few seconds. This prevents the health of the livestock from being threatened by coccidiosis, among other things.
Would you like to know more about stable floor disinfection?
Do you have any questions or have you become enthusiastic and curious about what we can do for you? Feel free to contact us and we will be happy to tell you more about the possibilities!
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